Platinum specializes in providing diverse/mulit-discipline tradespeople. This team delivers experience and expertise required to safely and efficiently build your industrial project. Our highly experienced and dedicated leaders and supervisors create the environment where all, internal & external stakeholders benefit from a consolidated approach. With this, we are able to achieve and exceed the goals set by our customers. Our internal stakeholders include skilled personnel like Construction Managers, Superintendents, Journeymen, Indentured Apprentices, Buyers, Estimators and other shared resources for QA, QC, Scheduling and Cost Management.
Platinum Controls Ltd. was founded in 2008 to provide the customer with a higher-quality solution. The customer will know, and deal directly with the owners and managers that have skin in the game. Platinum has been providing service to the industry that is second to none. We pride ourselves on being the "GO TO" team. From design to completion, Platinum is the right choice.
Safety Program Partners